Sidequests – Game 19 – Hecarim


I really hate it when I have to jungle. Never been my thing. Got forced into it this game since I was last pick, and the enemy team already grabbed Taric.

Woo. Never really had a good opportunity to gank. I think most of my kills were from me ulting through the enemy team and picking off the enemy Taric when he was low. (I’m *guessing* people were focusing him instead of the people who were doing damage?)

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Game 28 – Hammer Too Stronk

Gotta love it when you accidentally hit Play Again before you have a chance to save a scoreboard AND LOLRecorder decides to not actually record that last game. Awesome.

Also awesome: Beating a Ashe to death with my hammer in a one-on-one fight. 😀 Dear lord, I don’t think she ever actually hit anything with a ult-arrow.

EDIT: Oh, hey, updated to the latest LOLRecorder and it popped up out of nowhere. Replay Download Link.

Sidequests – Game 18 – Zyra

This game was dumb. It gives me mind cancer. It’s hurting my ideas.

Mid-lane wasn’t too bad to start off. Was a little down on CS when I had to retreat after a failed Flash-Tibbers gank attempt, but was still okay. And then Darius tries to gank Annie under her tower.

…Man, it’s nice of Darius to give *her* buffs, since I sure as hell wasn’t getting any. Top got counter-picked hard, and Vayne was apparently running Jungle runes instead of her normal ones.

All in all was a pretty “wat” game. Sort of wished I played Ziggs for it, but I figured Zyra went un-picked or banned, might as well try to get some games in with her until she gets nerfed like a Paladin.

Replay Download Link.

Game 26 – Wat.

So there was a game before this one where I didn’t actually save the screenshot or replay due to it being just awful. I mean, having to lane as Taric with a Fiddlesticks as a partner, because the Fidds was throwing a temper tantrum and feeding because they banned the character he wanted to play?

Yeah, not subjecting anyone else to that except for the Tribunal.

So instead, we got this game. Kayle/Swain Bot was a… interesting… lane to go against. I think the Swain was AFK during character select and accidentally random’d. But, at least they played it out instead of just feeding or something stupid. I *will* say it was a freaking bloody match. Wonder if it was related to the fact they didn’t have a jungler, so they were playing more aggressive.

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