Sidequests – Game 30 – Caitlyn

Ugh, I hate giving up FB to a invade… granted, we ended up turning the invade around into a 4-2 in our favor. They were marching into our jungle by the blue in a straight line, and figured someone else would come out of the bushes and help take them down. nope. Well, not until after I died.

They *really* liked to clump up in straight lines for team fights, which was okay by me and Zerath. All to bettter Piltover their faces.

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Game 29 – And the new Champ is…

Wow, it’s been a whole page since I’ve played a Taric game? Gotta fix that. This was a duo-queue with everyone’s favorite toaster wielder.

Support Veigar/Varus… not a fun lane to start out with. That freaking stuncage.

Honestly thought we were going to lose this, but ended up turning it around in some team-fights.

I got to punch out Jax. 😀

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Beats the hell out of the game I played previous.

Yeeeeeah. Accidentally running a AD rune-page with a non-AD champion seemed to be the theme tonight for me. Probably didn’t actually hurt things, though.

Sidequests – Game 24 – Even More Sona

Seriously, I could just do a side-blog where I just play Sona all the time.

Definitely warming up to building some more AP on her than normal “support” builds. The pick was mostly a experimental thing since I felt like the lane was going in our favor and we were up on level versus the other team. Might as well just bring the pain. 😀

I was seriously considering building the pick into a Tome just for the quasi-ignite to annoy Mundo with. Game ended before I was able to get back to the shop to finish it.

Also, dear lord that was the most insulting LB ever. I’m thinking there’s something about the character that attracts megalomaniacs. Players like the one that was playing her are the cancer that’s killing MOBAs.

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Sidequests – Game 23 – Morde

So, true story, I did not own Morde before today, and have never played a game versus human opponents with him.

I believe there’s a word for games like this. Something like “hue”? 😀

Voli was getting *destroyed*. I’d feel bad for the guy, but he was probably the player who ended up getting ghosted the most… and his ghost totally ended up tanking a turret so we could take it.

Midding versus Zyra is a *pain*. Ended up just playing it safe and farmed safely with HUE.

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