Game 09 – Welcome to the juuuuuungle…

Yes, that post title is correct. It totally happened.

To be fair, it worked surprisingly well. Major problem was… well… Alistar DC’d. And the enemy team seemed to have paid off Lady Luck, since they often escaped/survived fights they shouldn’t have.

Probably not the best build, but I wasn’t really expecting to *play* Jungletaric, so I was winging it with the first one I could find on Mobafire. The runes were definitely different, though, didn’t have a chance to set that one up specifically. Was using AD reds, Armor yellows, MR/level blues and AD quints. Wasn’t watching the time to see how fast he was clearing, but it felt like it was at a respectable rate, and once he got his heal he didn’t really need potions past the first three out of the cloth + 5 start since the cooldown was coming up so fast from all the melee. (If you’ve got a better one, let me know.)

Flashing out of a bush and stunning someone is a *mean* gank. Honestly, if we had our fifth man we probably could’ve won this, since we were actually doing extremely well at catching the enemies out of position later-on and winning skirmishes. At one point we were pushing their outer base turrets. It’s come up before, but you just hit that point in a 4v5 where you can try to fight back, but it’s just a inevitability. You’ll botch a fight, and then they’ll push all your towers/take Baron and win.

Sadly my virus checker decided to break LOLReplay again so I didn’t get it recorded. I think I’ve gotten it permanently fixed so it shouldn’t happen again.

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