Tried a slightly different build this time. Mana regen reds, armor yellows, MR blues, gold/5 quints. Definitely has a nice mix of burliness and still having mana to actually cast abilities.
How’d it go?
Things that might not be apparent at first glance:
Ashe was mid, Morg was bottom. Awesome, so my armor reduction from shatter was basically useless during laning.
I seriously want to spite-ban Morg all games from now on due to that… incredibly rude Morg. Seriously, does she attract all the drama-queen buttholes or something? She was talking shit the entire game, and was totally useless herself. The Junglestar was actually pretty damn impressive, even if he did have a bit of a problem with self-preservation. Often didn’t run away from a fight. Ashe got her teeth kicked in during laning. I’m assuming the whole “put a AD mid to counter Kass” is a thing, but it totally wasn’t a thing that game.
Had a decent game myself, although I found it hilarious that I was getting bitched at for kill-stealing. Yeah, I was totally expecting a rank 1 Dazzle to kill that Shaco, and wasn’t doing it to try to stun him so someone else could get the kill. Totally KSing on purpose, guys. Really tempted to put together a AP “support” build sometime and just take all the kills. Because they’re Taric’s kills, deal with it.
Surprised more people didn’t build MR, since Kassadin was just barfing void vomit on people and destroying them.
Will actually count this one as a loss, we really got out-played here. -13 ranking to 826. Game 3 Replay Download Link.