Sidequests – Games 51 + 52 – Eve

So yeah, wow. This is the first time I’ve played against humans as jungle Eve. (Best way to learn to swim: dive in the deep end.) And dear lord, she’s fun. Messed up the first game by taking flash instead of ignite. Could have totally gotten turned a few gank-attempts into kills with it if I had it, but not complaining. Second game I think I hit my groove better, although had a bit of a false start. (Freaking egg on Anivia.)

Sidequests – Games 49 + 50

Probably missed a couple games again. Oh well. Nothing worth reporting in those, anyway, just a lot of fail.

Garen vs. Yorick is a hell of a annoying lane. Generally, the best way to handle it seems to be “play safe, don’t die, CS when you can safely, crit all over his stupid face when your jungler comes because he’s pushed up way too far.”