Sidequests – Game 23 – Morde

So, true story, I did not own Morde before today, and have never played a game versus human opponents with him.

I believe there’s a word for games like this. Something like “hue”? 😀

Voli was getting *destroyed*. I’d feel bad for the guy, but he was probably the player who ended up getting ghosted the most… and his ghost totally ended up tanking a turret so we could take it.

Midding versus Zyra is a *pain*. Ended up just playing it safe and farmed safely with HUE.

Replay Download Link.

Sidequests – Game 19 – Hecarim


I really hate it when I have to jungle. Never been my thing. Got forced into it this game since I was last pick, and the enemy team already grabbed Taric.

Woo. Never really had a good opportunity to gank. I think most of my kills were from me ulting through the enemy team and picking off the enemy Taric when he was low. (I’m *guessing* people were focusing him instead of the people who were doing damage?)

Replay Download Link

Game 28 – Hammer Too Stronk

Gotta love it when you accidentally hit Play Again before you have a chance to save a scoreboard AND LOLRecorder decides to not actually record that last game. Awesome.

Also awesome: Beating a Ashe to death with my hammer in a one-on-one fight. 😀 Dear lord, I don’t think she ever actually hit anything with a ult-arrow.

EDIT: Oh, hey, updated to the latest LOLRecorder and it popped up out of nowhere. Replay Download Link.

Sidequests – Game 18 – Zyra

This game was dumb. It gives me mind cancer. It’s hurting my ideas.

Mid-lane wasn’t too bad to start off. Was a little down on CS when I had to retreat after a failed Flash-Tibbers gank attempt, but was still okay. And then Darius tries to gank Annie under her tower.

…Man, it’s nice of Darius to give *her* buffs, since I sure as hell wasn’t getting any. Top got counter-picked hard, and Vayne was apparently running Jungle runes instead of her normal ones.

All in all was a pretty “wat” game. Sort of wished I played Ziggs for it, but I figured Zyra went un-picked or banned, might as well try to get some games in with her until she gets nerfed like a Paladin.

Replay Download Link.