Sidequests – Game 1

Figure I might as well upload the ranked games where I got stuck or didn’t feel comfortable playing as Taric. Yeah, I know: normally no such thing, but I figure I’m stuck in the 800’s, might as well try to play along so someone doesn’t Troll Out and cause us to lose.

Sidequest #1

So this game, in character select both Fizz and Fiora insta-locked at the same time first and second. Which might not have been a problem if the third player wasn’t Lux, and she insta-locked as well when it came her turn.

So Lux ended up “supporting”, which mostly involved trying to steal minion kills and not buying wards or gp/5’s until later on.

Bot lane on the enemy side was Eve/Blitz, which was a real pain in the ass. If Blitz ever grabbed you, prepare yourself for something to be shoved up your butt. (And they won’t ask your permission.) Pinks made it easier to deal with the roaming eve, but she was still able to pick up a stupid amount of kills early-on to get herself geared.

Totally glad I grabbed that GA, since Eve was just making me explode if she jumped me. Was definitely worth it, since she jumped me about a minute after buying it, and it allowed me to pop back up and shoot her in her stupid face for a kill.

Replay download link.